Desafiando Rutas


Viajar…. Viajar supone conocer lugares, paisajes, culturas…. Conocer bastante no es lo suficiente. De los Andes al Atlántico, de Bolivia al Polo Sur… muchos escenarios con vistas insuperables que asombran, diversos climas para elegir, arquitectura que transporta al pasado, comidas impensadas, cafés escondidos, museos que resguardan obras de famosos, obras de teatro innumerables…. Playas, sol, arena, ciudades, puertos, montañas, selvas, sierras, volcanes, reservas, lagos, glaciares, parques nacionales, fósiles… Cada lugar de nuestra Patria Argentina es maravilloso, lleno de sorpresas, desafío permanente para transitar los caminos que recorren el país… Argentina es un contraste de colores: sus playas y desiertos, selvas y planicies, nieves y montañas, costas y deltas, ciudades enormes y pueblos casi perdidos… No existen límites para la acción y la aventura…. Tierra bendecida por la mirada de Dios. Tuvimos la fortuna de poder viajar… comenzamos por la aventura más sorprendente: conocer la Antártida Argentina…. Somos mujeres, mujeres con la intención, voluntad, el deseo y la decisión de conocer nuestra Patria. Algunos dirán que se nos dio tarde la oportunidad, a nuestra edad!!! Nosotras creemos que fue en el momento justo….. el ahora.


Published by desafiandorutas under on 22:38

Intro Blog:

Travelling … knowing places, landscapes, cultures...
To know quite a bit is not enough. From Los Andes to the Atlantic, from Bolivia to the South pole, lot of sceneries with insuperable views that amaze, various climates to choose from, architecture that transport us to the past, unthinkable meals, hidden coffee shops, museums that preserves famous artists works, innumerable theatre plays..
Beaches, sun, sand, cities, harbors, mountains, jungle, volcanoes, natural reserves, glaciers, fossils … Every place in our country, Argentina, is wonderful, full of surprises, Its a permanent challenge to travel the roads that cross the country
Argentina is a contrast of colours: It’s beaches and deserts, jungles and plains, snow and mountains, shores and deltas, huge cities and almost lost towns…There are no limits for action and adventure
A land that has been blessed by the sight of God
We were lucky of being able to travel, we began for the most surprising adventure: Seeing the Argentinean Antartida We are women, women with the intention, will, the Desire and de determination of travel trough our country. Some might say that the opportunity came a bit late, at our age! We think It was the perfect moment…The present."


Cristina…. Designer, school teacher… now retired. She was born in Argentina about 59 years ago…. found out she loves driving miles and miles by routes after a dream….  
Judit…. teacher, still working. She was born 52 years ago also in Argentina.
We share passion for travelling, the pleasure to drive…and we are about to be three on the car.
Today we write our stories. Daily, simple, we are walking paths, challenging routes…destroying myths.  


It draws atencion that two women on their own had chosen this long trip. It attracts others to do the same…for a weekend, for a few days, for a month…no time schedules. They are those dreamers “from other lives” who still doesn’t dare to even dream about it. Some people say we are crazy, others just want to know how we managed to do what we did, where did we go, what’s next
And today we have the blog and the web page, to tell all the experiences and  to remember what we lived…We are heard with amazement, incredulity, desire.
Thats why we share this from our souls, so you dare, so you finally do it.. Good luck, the road is waiting for you, there no age limits, no time, no car models..just decision, will and desire!
And today we have the blog and the web page, to tell all the experiences and  to remember what we lived…We are heard with amazement, incredulity, desire.
Thats why we share this from our souls, so you dare, so you finally do it.. Good luck, the road is waiting for you, there no age limits, no time, no car models..just decision, will and desire!

Mendoza is the wine and the wine is Mendoza. Every type of strain has found in this land its ideal spot.
The Wine’s route goes trough more than 100 cellars prepared to receive guests, with internationally recognized products for its high level grapes and production technology. The wine culture is one of deep roots, this land becomes intastes adventure and a delight for our senses.
A new Edition of the  “Tango por los Caminos del Vino” festival organized by the Tourism, culture and Argentinean cellars secretariat will take place on September 18, 19, 25 and 26. Pure solidarity for the tickets, the can be exchanged for a milk box for the Food Bank.
The show offers a series of concerts in Mendoza’s cellars framed in dreamlike landscapes.
The province government and the culture makers offers a charming and incomparable space for tango an wine’s elves walk through the cellars, wrapped by Malbec, Cabernet Sauvignon, Syrah, and some others…
A lot of wine cellars receive Tango music opening their harts so it can melt with the oak aroma and the wine taste.
Artisanal, traditional or industrial wine cellars ornament their barrels, vats, stand posts.
Mendoza with all their Wine routes expects the visit of the curious of dreamy stories, to share a toast and delight with the beat of two to four



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